A friend gave me some "magazines" he found while cleaning out his wife's grandmother's house, as it turned out it was a small stack of promotional real estate magazines called The Perfect Home Magazine, published and presented by Jackson and Scherer, Real Estate-Insurance-Building. Apparently the publication was paid for by numerous sponsors. Averaging about ten to twelve pages per issue, I guess I should call them brochures. The color cover featured houses that were in the KC area but most of them were not, as seen below...

I love the photo below, the issue features exterior skylights, I'm not sure this small circular one has much impact other than visually.

About the fifth magazine down in the pile, I found this one featuring the Marcel Breuer designed house on Belinder in Mission Hills, KS. The home was 8 years old when this issue came out in May, 1962. It was never for sale and and is still owned by the original clients. Inside there are no stories, features or more photos of the house.

They do have great little stories and features covering a wide variety of topics, all in black and white. The magazine has nice photography with very little attribution.

Below: There's even a quiz to see how up to date you are...